Fungal Nail Treatment

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How does it work?

These ingredients have powerful penetrating ability allowing them to penetrate directly into the nail bed (without the need of filing) where the infection lies and changes the micro-environment of the nail making it inhospitable for fungus AND bacteria – rendering Nail Revive as Fungicidal and Bactericidal.

How to use Nail Revive?

Step 1 Apply Nail Revive once daily to affected nails, preferably in the evening just before bedtime

Step 2 Hold the point of the tube onto the nail and press lightly

Step 3 Apply a thin layer over the entire nail surface, including under the free edge of the nail

Step 4 Leave to dry for a few minutes

Step 5 Duration of use varies according to the extent of the nail’s discolouration/damage.

It normally requires at least 3–6 months of use (as this is how long it takes for the nail to grow out), but visible results can often be seen already after 2–4 weeks.

For optimal results, this should be continued until the new nail has grown out.

Why use Nail Revive?

Clinically Proven Formula

Visible results in only 2 weeks

Easy Application – Once Daily, No Filing

Cost Effective 20ML – 6 month supply

Nail Revive is Fungicidal, Bactericidal and indicated for management of Nail Psoriasis

Nail Revive also works for any kind of discoloured nail (fungal or nun-fungal) for example discolouration due to trauma or chemical damage.

Safe for Pregnancy and Lactation

Why not try Nail Revive today?

Nail Revive is available for purchase on our website and in most Pharmacies and Podiatry Clinics near you.

What Our Customers Have To Say…

Mariam Bolous, Sydney

I am a Pharmacist and I recommend Nail Revive all the time for anyone with discoloured nails as it is easy to use, fast and effective. Most of my patients see positive changes in about 2 or 3 weeks, and that really encourages them to stay compliant and continue using the product for 3-6 months and get a full recovery.

Mariam Bolous, Sydney

Andrew Sharkawi, Sydney

Being a podiatrist, every second patient either has fungal nails, nail psoriasis or some kind of unknown discolouration of the stemming from the cuticles. I have never seen any product work like Nail Revive. Before I would waste time trying to find out why the nail is discoloured, but know I can confidently recommend Nail Revive first line as it works on any discoloured nail. Unlike other products that will only work if the discolouration is due to fungus, Nail Revive targets the nail bed not the fungus and therefore has great efficacy. Every fungal nail is discoloured, but not all discoloured nails are fungal. Highly recommended.

Andrew Sharkawi, Sydney

Sarah Penfold, Noosa

I suffered from fungal toe nails for 10 years. I have tried absolutely every product, Lamisil oral tablets, Loceryl, Rejuvenail, Excilor… the list goes on. Nothing was effective, I spent 1000s of dollars and was about to consider laser therapy or just give up. My podiatrist told me to try Nail Revive and told me it was different to anything else I have used so far. I was sceptical but agreed. I used it everyday, once a day and after about 10-12 days I could see a change in colour or texture. My nails were softer and starting to become clearer. After 6 weeks, my damaged, thick, discoloured nails looked almost BRAND NEW! The podiatrist advised me to keep using the Nail Revive at lease for 3 months and I have and I couldn’t be happier. Thank you!

Sarah Penfold, Noosa

Tamarah Fogwell, Melbourne

I go to the nail salons regularly and I started to notice my nails were becoming yellowish when they would remove the polish. I really hated it so I kept covering it up. It started really annoying me so I decided to try something to get my nails clear again. They were never raised or thickened, just yellowish. My pharmacist recommended Nail Revive. I bought a packet and I found in about 2-3 weeks my nails were completely clear again. Very happy with this product, always have a tube with me and anytime my nails start to get yellow I just apply it and it completely restores it.

Tamarah Fogwell, Melbourne

Karen Grambauer, Sydney

I’ve had issues with my toenails for years after visiting one of the nail bars years and years ago. I had a recurring fungal infection under my big toenails, I used Nail Revive and within only 2 days I noticed a difference.

Karen Grambauer, Sydney

Lilli Schmit, Sydney

I’ve tried different products but found this one does work! I recommend to friends as well.

Lilli Schmit, Sydney

Elizabeth Kiriakidis, Melbourne

As a podiatrist, I see a multitude of fungal and discoloured nails. I can recommend Nail Revive with ease to my patients as it works on any discoloured nail not just fungal nails and I have seen fantastic results.

Elizabeth Kiriakidis, Melbourne

Todd Freeman, Perth

Cleared up my ugly nails in about 8 weeks, kept using it for 6 months and now I have been done for a year and it hasn’t come back. So happy!

Todd Freeman, Perth