06 Dec Todd Freeman, Perth
Cleared up my ugly nails in about 8 weeks, kept using it for 6 months and now I have been done for a year and it hasn’t come back. So happy!...
Cleared up my ugly nails in about 8 weeks, kept using it for 6 months and now I have been done for a year and it hasn’t come back. So happy!...
As a podiatrist, I see a multitude of fungal and discoloured nails. I can recommend Nail Revive with ease to my patients as it works on any discoloured nail not just fungal nails and I have seen fantastic results....
I've tried different products but found this one does work! I recommend to friends as well....
I’ve had issues with my toenails for years after visiting one of the nail bars years and years ago. I had a recurring fungal infection under my big toenails, I used Nail Revive and within only 2 days I noticed a difference....
I go to the nail salons regularly and I started to notice my nails were becoming yellowish when they would remove the polish. I really hated it so I kept covering it up. It started really annoying me so I decided to try something to...
I suffered from fungal toe nails for 10 years. I have tried absolutely every product, Lamisil oral tablets, Loceryl, Rejuvenail, Excilor… the list goes on. Nothing was effective, I spent 1000s of dollars and was about to consider laser therapy or just give up. My...